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KC Excavating:
complete Excavating & Hauling Services

Our equipment currently owned consists of:
Dodge Ram 1 ton flatbed truck
2011 Peterbilt 8 Ton Dump Truck
Kaufman 14,000 pound low boy trailer
5 x 8 foot flatbed trailer
Bush hog G42 rotary mower
John Deere 5083e utility tractor with loader, snow plow & dozer blade
John Deere 4320 compact tractor with loader, rotary tiller & flail finishing

Kubota KX 161- 3 Compact (mini) Excavator
(attachments include: 12 inch and 24 inch trenching
buckets, 36 inch smooth bottom drainage bucket,
& Bushmaster 48 inch bush hog mower).
Our Kubota 161 is a mid sized excavator. It puts only
4 pounds of pressure per square inch on your soil, so
your lawn isn't torn up. It's not too small for
most jobs and just the perfect size for most jobs.
The machine itself weighs in at 12,100 pounds, has
47 horsepower, rubber tracks, 11,000 pounds of break out
force on the bucket which is an industry high for
that size machine.

Check out the rental rates on our John Deere 4320 4 wheel drive
with loader (shown immediately below) and our mini excavator by
clicking on the Rates Link at the top of this page..

Call us today.
Business Office: 724 - 966 - 5374
Dave and Karl Cole,
Carmichaels, Pa.
Our prices are exceptionally reasonable. You'll wonder
how you ever lived without us.....
Customer Satisfaction is Guaranteed!